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September 15, 2023

A genuine management diamond!

Olivier Zara's ability to analyze and synthesize makes his books clear, effective and super-powerful! As an open-minded and attentive listener, his approach is at once conceptual, strategic and pragmatic.

In this book, you'll find excellent thinking: precise, effective and above all, so right... all in 65 pages.

Françoise Lerond, Strategic Marketing and Communications Director at BioLogic

September 15, 2023

A manifesto full of tips, pragmatic and very operational. I think this book fits in perfectly with slow management practices, and especially with the development of agile management. The meeting with the rounds of Post-it notes is "formidable" in its simplicity and effectiveness. Thank you Olivier Zara!

Stéphanie Gay, Corporate Academy Manager at SCHMIDT GROUPE

September 15, 2023

The chief always speaks last: this principle should be self-evident, but it's not. That's why we need all the wisdom, expertise and sense of humor of Olivier Zara to remind us.

After The Tea Strategy and Decision-Making Excellence, Olivier Zara has now reached the quintessence of collective intelligence. The Digital Sprint method he has developed and perfected over the years is extremely powerful. It is highly effective, both in terms of efficiency and the quality of the reflections produced. A must-read, then a must-practice.

Robert de Quelen, International Business Coach

September 15, 2023

This practical and operational book will help you progress in the practice of collective intelligence. Olivier Zara invites us to discover the first posture that relies on us alone: the chief always speaks last!

It's a powerful management tool for those who want to mobilize collective intelligence and achieve decision-making excellence.

Xavier Richard, Branch Manager, Caisse d'Épargne CEPA

September 15, 2023

Thank you for this excellent summary of best practices in managing collective intelligence. I have successfully implemented all the advice given. They ensure that all participants in a meeting contribute effectively.

Xavier Zantman, consultant, trainer and coach at OSACTION

September 15, 2023

This book is incredibly powerful. Every manager should have it on their bedside table!

Reassuring and comforting, Olivier Zara offers us a toolbox for being more effective managers.

Nelly Boutchoki, QWL Project Manager, Orange

March 31, 2021

This collective intelligence manifesto presents powerful concepts and practical advice, in particular silent meetings, the combination of oral and written communication and the role of the chief to enhance the intelligence of his employees.

Christian Darvogne, Senior Advisor for Change Management, Partner of KPMG - former President of Carewan

March 13, 2021

We already knew that leaders eat last, they should also talk last according to Olivier Zara! Otherwise, everybody will agree with the manager / expert and the meeting will not effectively solve problems. This is not so easy to implement; therefore Olivier Zara gives us a methodology, tools and actionable tips to keep quiet during a meeting and bring out the best ideas of the team.

Florence Meyer, Coach & Leadership Consultant, Speaker & Author

March 13, 2021

Olivier Zara is once again taking one step ahead in management tools, by rebuilding the distribution of speech in a team or a group. This is a triple victory: employee engagement, the good health of organizations, which are thus vaccinated against toxic practices, and operational performance with an unequalled problem-solving capacity.

Paul-Louis Moreau, Data Governance & Data Strategy Manager at BNP Paribas

March 31, 2021

A powerful and very useful book for all managers! Knowing how to keep quiet is the beginning of wisdom and, with this book, it becomes a concrete recipe for a better team management.

Dominique Turcq, Management Consultant, Founder of the Boostzone Institute

March 13, 2021

A must for anyone who wants to be among the leaders of our transformation to the next normality. As with everything else in life, before taking the floor, we must give it.

Claude Emond, agility coach at Quali-Scope

March 13, 2021

A book to discover the new essential skills for managers who want to lead their organization and their team in an increasingly complex environment.

Christophe Lefevre, management consultant at Vitalance